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Do not ignore the damage briefly maintenance hub hub those things
发布时间: 2015-7-24
Mention car maintenance, many owners think of the engine and tires, and small wheels let us completely ignored, but we need to know the quality of the relationship between the hub of the quality of car tires, which relates to the safety of our lives , so that a small hub but also we need maintenance, so if improper maintenance because our wheels appeared damaged, how do we fix it? Following editing to tell you about.
Note hub when routine maintenance:
1, when the high temperature hub, should be allowed to cool before cleaning, do not use cold water to wash; otherwise, cause damage to alloy wheels, and even the brake disc deformation affect the braking effect. In addition, at high temperatures with a detergent to clean aluminum alloy wheels station, hub surface will react, lose luster, affect the appearance.
2, when the asphalt stained difficult to remove the hub, to no avail if the general cleaning agents that can be used to try to clear brush, but do not use strong brush, especially iron brush, so as not to damage the surface of the hub. Some experts have introduced a clear asphalt recipe: the selection of medicinal "active oil" rubbed get unexpected results, the owner may wish to try.
Minor scratches can repair itself:
The first step: to clean up the hub. We can use the paint diluent, clean wounds around the removal of impurities. Scratches deepest part difficult to remove dirt, then Toothpicks get it completely clean. In the clean-up time, in order to prevent the mistake irrelevant by painting, best stick tape carefully around the scar.
Step two: the owner collated hair tip, the damage to the hub where painted refinish and paint dry, slightly convex in painted some owners to facilitate 
Step Three: Once the main car refinish completely dry, dipped in soapy water with a water-resistant paper, smoothing the surface. Then use the mixture of light struck the last resort to waxing.
Step four: the owner if found to have deep scars on the wheels, but must observe the metal surface is exposed, if not see the metal surface will not rust, can concentrate on applying the varnish. Place up a little bit with the pen, and then wait for the paint to dry completely. If exposed metal, and that the best replacement.
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